Navigating the Patch Submission Processes in Open Source Communities: Linux Kernel & Python

     In the open-source world, contributing to established projects like the Linux kernel or the Python programming language can be a rewarding experience. However, the journey from having a great idea to getting your code accepted can be quite different from one community to another. In this blog post, I'll try to introduce and explain the patch submission process in two prominent open-source communities – Linux and Python – while highlighting the advantages and disadvantages of each approach.

Linux Kernel:

The Linux Patch Submission Process:

  1. Development: Like most open-source projects, contributors begin by developing their code changes.
  2. Version Control: Developers work in their own branches, forking the Linux kernel repository in Git.
  3. Patch Submission: Patches are submitted through the Linux kernel's mailing list as plain text email messages.
  4. Mailing List: The "linux-kernel" mailing list is the primary channel for patch submission and review.
  5. Review Process: The patch undergoes extensive review from a large pool of experienced developers, maintainers, and security experts.
  6. Discussion and Feedback: Reviewers provide feedback, engage in technical discussions, and suggest improvements on the mailing list.
  7. Maintainers: Area-specific maintainers have the authority to accept or reject patches.
  8. Integration: Accepted patches are integrated into the Linux kernel source code.
  9. Testing and Release: Rigorous testing and continuous integration ensure stability before official releases.

Advantages of the Linux Kernel Approach:

  • Extensive Review: The Linux community boasts a large and experienced developer base, leading to thorough reviews.
  • Security Focus: Critical patches, such as those addressing security vulnerabilities, are rapidly reviewed and integrated.
  • Collaboration: The mailing list format encourages discussion, knowledge sharing, and community collaboration.

Disadvantages of the Linux Kernel Approach:

  • Complex Process: The extensive review process can be daunting, especially for newcomers.
  • High Volume: The high volume of patches and discussions can make it challenging to gain attention for your patch.

Prerequisite to submitting a patch to the Linux Kernel community:

  • Learn Git and understand the kernel's development model.
  • Familiarize yourself with mailing list etiquette.
  • Prepare for constructive criticism and discussion.


The Python Patch Submission Process:

  1. Development: Contributors create and develop their code changes in Python's GitHub repository.
  2. Pull Requests: Patches are submitted as Pull Requests (PRs) on GitHub.
  3. Review Process: PRs are reviewed by the Python community, including core developers and maintainers.
  4. Discussion and Feedback: Reviewers provide feedback and engage in discussions directly within the PR.
  5. Maintainers: Core developers and maintainers are responsible for accepting or rejecting PRs.
  6. Integration: Accepted PRs are merged into the Python source code on GitHub.
  7. Testing and Release: Testing and integration continue, leading to official releases.

Advantages of the Python Approach:

  • GitHub Integration: GitHub's user-friendly interface simplifies the contribution process.
  • Streamlined Discussion: Discussion and feedback occur directly within the PR, promoting transparency and ease of use.
  • Community Engagement: The Python community encourages active participation from newcomers.

Disadvantages of the Python Approach:

  • GitHub-Centric: The process may seem GitHub-centric, potentially alienating those not familiar with the platform.
  • Less Formal Review: The review process might be perceived as less formal than the mailing list format.

Prerequisite to submit a patch to the Python community:

  • Create a GitHub account and understand Git.
  • Familiarize yourself with the Python development workflow on GitHub.
  • Prepare for a more interactive and GitHub-centered review process.

Personal Observation:

In the Linux Kernel community, I observed a rapid response to critical security patches, thanks to the vast pool of reviewers. The thoroughness of the review process ensures code quality, but it can be intimidating for newcomers. In contrast, I found the Python community more accessible, with discussions happening directly on GitHub. The user-friendly platform simplifies contribution but might appear less formal.

The choice between these communities ultimately depends on your comfort level with their respective workflows, your project's scope, and your openness to constructive feedback. Regardless of the path you choose, contributing to open source projects is a valuable learning experience that can help you grow as a developer and make a meaningful impact on these widely used software projects.

Links to Specific Patches:


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